Our company needs you!
The success of our company, which exists more than 135 years, is based on the reliability, creativity and flexibility enabling us to fulfill the demands of our customers. Our qualified and motivated employees are a basic element of this success.
If you think, you can help us keeping this success, you are invited to send us your application.
Please send us your detailed application documents to the following address:

Manuel Fischer-Bothof
Managing Director
Phone: 0611 / 92846 – 38
Mobile: 0172 / 9707167
Fax: 0611 / 92009 – 70
Application documents via e-mail please at
or send via mail to:
A. + E. Fischer-Chemie GmbH & Co. KG
Manuel Fischer-Bothof, Managing Director
Storchenallee 49
D-65201 Wiesbaden
We would be happy to get your application documents.
A movie by Bundesverband Großhandel, Außenhandel,
Dienstleistungen e.V. (
How you find us
A. + E. Fischer-Chemie GmbH & Co. KG
Storchenallee 49
D-65201 Wiesbaden-Schierstein
Mailing Address:
Postfach 13 02 45
D-65090 Wiesbaden
Phone: 06 11 / 9 28 46-01
Fax: 06 11 / 9 28 46-66
In urgent cases, as well as
outside office hours, public
holidays and weekends,
we can be reached.